
Showing posts from August, 2015

Ghost Ship - Costly (2015)

Very few bands have struck me the way Ghost Ship did with their debut The Good King . The production was minimalist to a fault, their Americana stylings meshed in a weird but good way with their indie rock base, and the lyrics struck me as oddly theologically rooted. I liked, but couldn't love. Now, two years after their debut, Ghost Ship is back to prove that their debut's success wasn't a fluke with their sophomore effort, Costly . Right away, I can tell that the production quality has greatly improved. While I usually consider this a flaw for folksier music like this, for Ghost Ship it works because of their odd style mash-up of indie rock and Americana. I felt like The Good King  was very weighted throughout because of its hollow production that focused my ears on the lyrics too much. On Costly , not only is the sound blended better, but it's changed quite a bit as well. It's progressed from an indie rock sound with occasional folk elements to something re

College Life, Week 1

One week ago today, I moved onto the campus of Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, Illinois. In light of this recent change in my life, I'm going to start posting five observations about life on a college campus every week. That being said, here's my top five things I've noticed about college life in my first week here: Dining halls/block parties/etc. are not for introverts...or ambiverts. I'm not a strict introvert, but I really don't like large group events all that much. Large crowds of people I don't know intimidate me. There's a lot of those on a college campus, especially in the first couple weeks of school, so be prepared to be pushed out of your comfort zone if you're at all like me. That being said... Get to know your floor and force yourself to hang out with them. This is a big way to help fix the issue of #1. I've found a lot of cool guys on my dorm floor who like to have fun. It also gives you someone to eat lunch or dinner w

The Gift (2015)

I'm not just open to original films: I crave them.  An original film makes my viewing experience incredibly difficult because I can have trouble separating the originality from the quality of film-making present. So, when I sat down to watch The Gift , I was treated (for the first act of the film, at least) to a semi-routine stalker thriller. Honestly, it was well-directed, well-acted, and decently written. It just didn't pull me to the edge of my seat all that often. The premise of The Gift  is at least unique in a way: upon moving to a new area, a man, Simon, and his wife Robyn are approached by Gordo, one of his high school classmates, who mysteriously leaves gifts on their doorstep and shows up uninvited at their house repeatedly. The device of the gifts on the doorstep is interesting and well-executed, as we see how intrusive Gordo can be early on. However, the film remains trapped in itself for most of the first act, developing not unlike other psychological thrille